Join discussion on the Catalyst Platform

Are you one of the applicants or considering to apply for the 1st POLARIN Transnational Access Call? If you want to get in touch with other applicants, join the discussion group on the Catalyst platform.
  1. Register on the Calatyst platform with your email address
  2. Go to “Discussions” page that can be found under “Tools”
  3. Find the POLARIN discussion group titled “POLARIN-1st-call”on the left side of the page
  4. Click on “Subscribe” next to the name of this discussion group (at top of the page), so you get a notification by email whenever there is a new message in this discussion.
  5. Explore more news and events from the polar research community on the Catalyst website:
About Catalyst: Catalyst is a platform designed to foster collaboration among polar researchers. Visit it for news, events, calls and assessing documents about polar research and policy, as well as to collaborate with other researchers, by joining the discussion forum.
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