Arni Fridriksson, IS

Arni Fridriksson, IS

Árni Friðriksson is a 70 m long multipurpose research vessel, designed for oceanographic and fisheries research in temperate and Artic research waters (LR ice class 1B on the hull). The vessel is equipped with sophisticated electronic equipment for stock assessment, bottom mapping, and communication. Árni Friðriksson can host 17 scientists.

Árni Friðriksson is operated by the Icelandic Marine and Freshwater Research Institute. MFRI is a government institute under the auspices of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries (Matvælaráðuneytið).

Contribution to POLARIN key research challenges: 1,2,4,5,6


Guðmundur I. Bergþórsson, CFO  
Marine and Freshwater Research Institute  

Heimir Örn Hafsteinsson, Captain  
Marine and Freshwater Research Institute  



Home Port: Hafnarfjörður, Iceland 


Årni Friöriksson is built as a multi-purpose research vessel, designed for oceanographic and fisheries research in temperate and artic waters (LR Ice Class 1 B on the hull). The propulsion system is of diesel electric type to secure low noise levels. The vessel is equipped with sophisticated electronic equipment for stock assessment, bottom mapping and communication.
Staff Capacity: Technicians+scientists: 15-17 persons.
The vessel is equipped with sophisticated laboratories and research areas. Versatile research capabilities give it a leading edge in the marine reasearch field. Living  quarters include fitness room and sauna as well as a conference room for meetings.

Typical area of operations: Icelandic Economic Area and Greenland-Faroe Ridge, Jan Mayen area. 

Services offered

The vessel is equipped with numerous winches for towing and other scientific purposes, it has several echosounders, sophisticated laboratories and research areas.

What is included in the Access

Unit of access: RI/day

Modalities of access offered: In-person access

Organisation of the cruise and preparation of equipment. The typical duration of work is around 12 days with an additional 10 days for transit. Specific dedicated cruises can be offered independently if they are fitting the time schedule of the vessel.

Availability for access in the TA Call 2024

Access to 8 working days for a user group of 6 members.

1st. June – 30th. June 2025. August – 31st. August 2025. 
1st. November – 30th. November 2025.

Operational area: North Atlantic/Polar AREA – Iceland

Time frame for access preparations

Application to rent the ship should be sent to MFRI at least one year in advance and should include the requested equipment and technical support necessary to conduct the requested cruise. This should include a list of equipment which will be used and provided by MFRI or brought by the renter, the number of scientists from the renter who will board, and the number of technicians on the support team needed from MFRI. A description of the research topic and a sampling protocol should also be attached to the application. 

After the access is granted, documentation about the cruise and the associated research as well as requirements (equipment, deployment, technical support, technician) should be sent to MFRI at least 6 to 12 months before the cruise. 

Logistic arrangements should be decided at least 6 months before departure of the cruise. Equipment which is brought by the renter should be sent to MFRI at least one month before departure. The RI (ship) is usually accessible a few days before departure.

Permits, licenses and training

For each foreign scientific team planning to do research in Icelandic water, a specific permit should be requested to the relevant Ministry (Foreign affairs, Environment and/or ministry of food, agriculture and fisheries). The obtention of this permit can take from 6 to 12 months, depending on the type of research envisioned and the sampling protocols.  

Certification or training required from RI users:
Education for crew members (given on the ship before departure). 

Medical guidelines

General statement about health conditions. 

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