BIO Hespérides, ES

BIO Hespérides, ES

The vessel belongs to the Spanish Navy and is based in Cartagena (Murcia), where it was built and launched on March 12, 1990. The Marine Technology Unit (UTM) of the CSIC is responsible for the maintenance of the scientific equipment of the ship and contributes the technical personnel for the realization of the oceanographic campaigns.




Port base: Cartagena, Spain.

Website   – Hesperides


HESPERIDES has ice class 1C, is 84 m long and has capability for 37 scientist and  technicians. She operates both in Antarctica and the Arctic during the summer.  HESPERIDES has a wet lab area of 72 m2 and dry lab area of 195 m2. The following  equipment is available: acoustic (multibeam and parametric), geophysical (gravity  and magnetism), coring (piston corer), seismic (navigation, streamer, and air guns), sampling (nets, multi-nets and dredge), water column (CTD, radiometry and ADCP).
Detailed list of equipment is available here:

Services offered

Accommodation, laboratories, and technical support to scientific projects.

Unit of access:


What is included in the Access

Preparatory work and specific training courses, all services at station  (accommodation, use of laboratories, logistical support to scientists). The typical  duration of work is 30 days.

Availability for access in the 2024 call

1 January-25 March 2026. The vessel is available for a team of up to 6 users, for an effective 6-7 working days within the 30 days cruise length. 

Operational area

South Drake passage, Bransfield Strait, and South Orkney-Elephant Island Strait.

Time frame for access preparation
Permits, licenses and training

Environmental Impact Assessment certificate.
Permit for sampling (if needed).
Permit to restricted areas (if needed).
Training course on the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty.

Medical guidelines

Medical certificate for Antarctic activities issued by a competent polar authority.

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