Neumayer Station III, DE

Neumayer Station III, DE

Neumayer Station III is an overwintering station for atmospheric, biological, and seismological research and logistics in Antarctica. It is the logistical backbone for national and international research based in Western Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. While the winter crew consists of nine people, the station can accommodate up to 60 people in summer, 20 of whom maintain the technical and scientific equipment.

Observatories: The station is very suitable to perform long-term observational studies and hosts the Air Chemistry Observatory, Geophysical Observatory, Hydroacoustic Observatory and the Infrasound Array I27DE to measure micropressure fluctuations in the atmosphere.

Contribution to POLARIN key research challenges: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6.

Contact: Dr. Christine Wesche                 christine.wesche[at]

Website address: –Neumayer-Station III


Neumayer Station III is located about 20 km inland of the ice edge on the Ekström Ice Shelf. The Ekström Ice Shelf is a part of Dronning Maud Land in the Atlantic Sector of Antarctica.


The Neumayer Station III is a facility that offers a multipurpose research station, base of operations and living quarters. It also serves as the logistical base for inland expeditions and polar research aircraft. In contrast to the previous stations, Neumayer Station III was built about 6 m above the snow surface.  Main research fields are meteorology, air chemistry, geophysics, glaciology and biology.

Workshops, balloon launching hall, air chemistry and geophysics observatories.
Equipments: Snow mobiles and sledges on request, contact observatory supervisors for more information.
Communications: Internet, Satelite Link, VHF, HF.
Science disciplines: Meteorology, air chemistry, geophysics, glaciology and biology.

Services offered 

As a Helmholtz large-scale infrastructure, on average 64 % of the station is occupied by international scientists. Services include safety training, lab space and possibilities to move around the station with vehicles, possibility to cooperate with long-term observation activities, mechanical workshop, electronic lab, storage space, communication services.

What is included in the Access

Unit of access: User/day

Modalities of access offered: In-person access, remote access

The indicated costs are all-inclusive (usage of all facilities and any needs during the field campaign), food, accommodation. The typical duration of work is 42 days. The users will be integrated into the scheduling of the infrastructure according to the requests received by the station.

Availability for access in the 2024 call
Beginning of November 2026 to end of February 2027.
Remote Access: Beginning of November 2025 to end of February 2026 (summer season) or year-round by wintering team (strongly depending on work load and availability of personnel).

Time frame for access preparations

Minimum 1 year.

Permits, licenses and training

Environmental permit either approved by the Federal Environmental Agency in Germany or the national authorities of the applicant.

Medical guidelines

Medical check required.

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