Polish Polar Station Hornsund
Polish Polar Station Hornsund
Research station is operated by the Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences.
Svalbard, Norway Station Manager Wlodzimierz Sielski: hornsund[at]igf.edu.pl
The station is located on the shore of the Hornsund fjord in the southern part of Spitsbergen, the largest island of the Svalbard archipelago. The station lies within the boundaries of the South Spitsbergen National Park. Its location makes it the northernmost year-round Polish research infrastructure.
There are no settlements located in the near vicinity of the station, which in general is only accessible for research purposes. Longyearbyen, the administrative center and the largest settlement of Svalbard, is situated approximately 140 km north of the station.
The station was thoroughly renovated in 1978 and has been in year-round operation since then.
The station offers a range of laboratories, including chemistry, biology, oceanography, seismology, meteorology, atmospheric physics and Earth magnetism labs.
Accommodation, washing, and cooking facilities for 20 visitors (in addition to the permanent staff of 10 persons) are in the same building. There is also a well equipped workshop, a boat house, and storage for instruments and field equipment. The station lounge has a multimedia projector, white screen, and a 60†HD LCD TV and is used for scientific seminars and conferences for up to 20-30 participants.
Availability for access
Time frame for access preparation
All activities of the RI user must be registered in the Research in Svalbard (RiS) database. Travel to and fieldwork in the Hornsund area require obtaining relevant permissions from the Governor of Svalbard’s Office. Detailed information about the applicable regulations for persons conducting research activity in Svalbard can be found on the Governor’s of Svalbard website (https://www.sysselmesteren.no/en/researchers/).
All the required permits must be obtained prior to arrival to the Station.
Permits, licenses and training
According to a directive issued by the Governor of Svalbard, due to the potential polar bear danger, any person travelling outside settlement areas shall be equipped with appropriate means of personal protection, including firearms, which might be used to frighten off polar bears. As a rule while using the infrastructure of the Hornsund Polish Polar Station, every group leaving the premises of the Station must carry at least two firearms and a flare gun. The means of personal protection against polar bears are handed over upon presentation of a permit to rent firearms issued by/accepted by the Governor of Svalbard. The permit must be obtained prior to arrival to the station.
Regulations on using firearms at the Hornsund Station are set out in the document “Rules and regulations regarding the use of firearms at the Hornsund Polish Polar Station Hornsund†published on the Station’s website.
Medical guidelines
No medical examinations/health checks are required from RI users. Staying at the Station and use of its infrastructure are at the risk and responsibility of the RI user or the delegating entity.Â