Professor Julio Escudero Station, CL

Professor Julio Escudero Station, CL

Research station is funded by the Antarctic Institute of the Ministry of Foreign Relations.


Operator contact:alopez[at] 
Logistic evaluation contact:ctoledo[at]inach.clÂ


Professor Julio Escudero Base is a permanent Chilean Antarctic research base. It is located on King George Island just next to Base Presidente Eduardo Frei Montalva and within the civilian settlement of Villa Las Estrellas.


No website.


This station is one of the main points where scientific knowledge is generated, for Chile and for the international community. It has a wet lab, a multipurpose lab, a microbiology and basic molecular biology lab, a room equipped with a cold chamber and a work area for divers. 
Staff capacity: Technicians and scientists: 60people.
Four labs, wet, multipurpose, microbiology and basic. Two zodiacs and one rigid vessel. Aquarium. 200 square meters of labs. 
Equipments: Class II laminar flow hood suitable for microbiology workflows, Ultrafreezer -80ºC and Lyophilizer for cold chain maintenance, cold chamber for experiments under ambient conditions of 1 to 4ºC, aquariums with open flow or recirculation system 
Communications: Starlink inside the station, InReach outside. Also 5G. 
Science disciplines: Antarctic Ecology, Ecosystem resilience and adaptation, Climate change, Earth sciences, Biotechnology.

Availability for access
Time frame for access preparation

Time frame to receive the documentation from RI users (after access is granted):
Three months before the travel.

Time frame for logistic arrangements to access the RI: One month before the travel.

Permits, licenses and training

Driving License and ZAEPs authorization.Â

Medical guidelines

Health certificate for extreme zones.ÂÂ

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