PSCF: UK Polar Sediment Core Facility

PSCF: UK Polar Sediment Core Facility, UK
The UK Polar Sediment Core Facility is a repository for polar marine, terrestrial and freshwater sediment cores, collected across Antarctica, the polar oceans, and sub-Antarctic islands.
The PSCF includes cool and frozen core storage areas and a range of analytical instruments. A database of available cores is accessible through the NERC Polar Data Centre.
Contribution to POLARIN key research challenges: 6
Contact: Repository manager: Victoria Peck: vlp[at]
British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, UK
Services offered
The PSCF is equipped to provide access to core samples and data to interested researchers and PhD students within the global scientific community who express a legitimate interest and need. This would be supported as a collaboration with sufficient funding to cover the cost of the work. The instrument suite associated with the facility is expected to be available from 2024 with associated technical support.
What is included in the Access
BAS laboratory induction for visitors, preparatory work, supervision, administration, lab technician, collaborating scientist, reviewing scientist. The typical duration of work is 1 to 3 days for sampling.
Availability of laboratory space is usually quite flexible, therefore allocation for the project would be based on length of time required to process the samples and scheduling access to specific instruments.
Unit of access: Sampling day
Modalities of access offered: In-person access, remote access
Availability for access in the TA call 2024
1.04.2025 -30.4.2026.
Time frame for access preparations
Depending on number of samples requested and availability.
Permits, licenses and training
Medical guidelines