Sermilik Station, DK

Sermilik Station, DK and AT
The facility is jointly owned and operated by the University of Copenhagen and the University of Graz.
The Sermilik Station supports a comprehensive year-round monitoring program covering basic climatology and local climate gradients in the Mittivakkat Glacier drainage basin, glacier mass balance, run-off and sediment transport, and the development of coastal and delta geomorphology.
Contribution to POLARIN key research challenges: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Anders Brjörk, (University of Copenhagen)
Andreas Trügler, (University of Graz)
The station is located at 65°40’ N and 38°10’ W in southeast Greenland, about 20 km north of the small town Tasiilaq (Ammassalik). The station is situated on the shore of the Sermilik Fjord on the west side of Ammassalik Island adjacent to the Mittivakkat Glacier, a local small ice cap.
The facility is equipped to house 6+4 scientists in the old buildings. (owned by University of Copenhagen). Currently, a new house is being built to be finished in 2023 (owned by University of Graz) which will be capable of housing an additional 25 scientists.
Services offered
The station offers unique access to a remote part of East Greenland. Sites for field studies are within walking distance, and nearby Tasiilaq provides easy boat transport to various sites throughout the Sermilikfjord. SER offers internet, basic dry lab facilities, meteorological measurement stations at various altitudes, including on the local glacier, mass balance series, and a river monitoring station.
What is included in the Access
Unit of access: User/day
Modalities of access offered: in-person access
The access offered includes preparatory work, instruction, stay and overnight stay, energy supply, basic safety equipment for field work. The typical duration of work is 7-10 days. Users are working very independently at the station, after a thorough introduction (online) by the station manager. Users can schedule access freely, according to station availability.
Availability for access in the 2024 call
Only the part owned by the University of Copenhagen is available in the 2024 call, for the time period 1st July – 15th Sept 2025.
Time frame for access preparations
The time frame to receive the documentation from users after access is granted depends on the planned study. The users should contact the station regarding the documentation and arrangements.
For the logistic arrangements to access the station, the flights and accommodation in Tasiilaq needs to be booked preferably several months in advance.
Permits, licenses and training
No specific permits/licenses are required.
A Polar bear safety instruction and/or training is required, as well as glacier safety instruction, if working on the glacier.
Medical guidelines
No specific medical requirements.