Spanish Antarctic Station “Gabriel de Castilla”, ES

Spanish Antarctic Station “Gabriel de Castilla”, ES
Located on Deception Island, South Shetland Islands it is a summer station opened, normally, from November to March.
Deception Island is one of the most visited sites in Antarctica by tourist. This, together with the warmer temperatures, make the site specially prone to the settlement of invasive species. Profilactic measures are put in force and biological monitoring projects are maintained to assess any invasive species.
Contribution to POLARIN key research challenges: 4,5, 6
Contact: cpe[at]
Website: Gabriel de Castilla
The station is situated in an active volcano. The natural values of the island make the area very interesting for volcanic and seismic investigations. There is a unique community of organisms adapted to the geothermal activity. It is remarkably rich in criptogamic communities. There are several penguin rokeries. Over 57% of the island is covered by permanent glaciers. A ring of hills runs around the island and is the principal drainage divide, ephemeral springs flow toward the inner and outer coast. Several lakes are located on the interior side of the watershed. Kroner Lake is the only geothermal lagoon in the Antarctic.
The Spanish Antarctic Station Gabriel de Castilla is a semi-permanent building with two offices, two labs and one environment issues lab fully equipped, and has accommodation for 28 people.
Observatories: Seismic network deployed on the island to survey seismic activity.
Services offered
Accommodation, use of laboratories, and logistic support to scientific projects including movements within Deception Island and Port Foster (rubber boat). During the last 5 seasons the station has hosted an average of 10 foreign researchers from other countries
What is included in the Access
Unit of access: User/day
Modalities of access offered: In-person access, remote access.
Preparatory work and specific training courses, all station services (accommodation, use of laboratories, logistical support to scientists). The typical duration of work is 15 days.
Availability for access in the 2024 call
1-January to 25 – March 2026.
Time frame for access preparations
Every year, from 1st January to 15th May, the Spanish Polar Committee (CPE) opens an access call to national, European and international projects intending to access the Spanish Antarctic Stations Juan Carlos I and Gabriel de Castilla.
Permits, licenses and training
After the access request is approved, the applicant will need to apply to his/her national polar authority for:
- Environmental Impact Assessment certificate.
- Permit for sampling (if needed).
- Permit to restricted areas (if needed).
- Training course on the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty before going to Antarctica
Medical guidelines
Medical certificate for Antarctic activities issued by a competent polar authority Risk assessments according to the RI requirements and user’s employer.