Sudurnes Science and Learning Center, IS

Sudurnes Science and Learning Center, IS

The Sudurnes Science and Learning Center is a non-profit organisation, partly financed and accredited by the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture in Iceland.

The Center emphasis on natural science, mainly marine biology and ornithology. Its research facilities are unique and offer possibilities to conduct research in ecotoxicology, behavioural ecology, and marine biology.

Contribution to POLARIN key research challenges: 4, 5, 6, 7

Contact: Station manager Hanna Maria Kristjansdottir, hanna[at]
Sölvi Rúnar Vignisson, solvi[at]



The Center is located by the Sandgerdi harbor (64°02’ N, 22°42’ W) on the western coast of the Reykjanes Peninsula, about 50 km west of the capital, Reykjavik. It is in close proximity to coastal areas of high natural value, listed in the Icelandic Nature Conservation Registry, and Important Bird Areas identified by BirdLife International.


In 1992, an abandoned fish factory was turned into a research laboratory for the international, collaborative project Benthic Invertebrates of Icelandic Waters (BIOICE). Sudurnes Science and Learning Center was established in 2012. The Southwest Iceland Nature Research Center (established 2000) and The University of Iceland’s Research Center in Sudurnes (established 2004) are part of the Center.

The Center has an excellent taxonomic laboratory, fish rearing and experimental facilities. It has three laboratories, three wet labs with clean borehole seawater, three meeting rooms, six bedrooms with 17 beds as well as kitchen, showers, and a laundry room. The facilities are ideal for conducting scientific studies in taxonomy, marine biology, ornithology, and general ecology. The Center offers the possibility to catch birds close by for in-house tests and measurements. Workshops are available in the village.

Services offered 

Sudurnes Science and Learning Center is situated by the sea, close to shores and wild nature, ideal for research. The center offers high quality research facilities with unique, clean seawater and accommodation for researchers. The location of the center is ideal for studies on migratory birds. Between 10 and 20 international users stay at the center every year, not including several university students that have spent their summers there.

What is included in the Access

Unit of access: User/day

Modalities of access offered: In-person access, remote access

No additional services are included into the access. The typical duration of work is flexible, a few days up to a month. The users will work on their own projects and use the facilities as they need alongside other research activity without integration.

Availability for access in the 2024 call

The availability for access in the 2024 call is 1st April – 30th November 2025.

Time frame for access preparations

The time frame for access preparations is flexible and depends on the planned study. The users are encouraged to contact the station to discuss e.g. the required logistic arrangements.

Permits, licenses and training

There are no risk assessment or insurance requirements. There are rules and regulations regarding taking samples and exporting samples from Iceland that the users should investigate before applying. Please ask the station contact for information regarding these.

Medical guidelines

No specific medical requirements.

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