UIT CORES: Core repository and geological laboratories

UIT CORES: Core repository and geological laboratories
Core repository with >5 km of soft sediment cores from the Arctic, geological laboratories to perform multi-proxy sedimentological and geochemical analyses of soft sediment cores.
The facility is owned by the UiT – The Arctic University of Norway, Department of Geosciences.
Contribution to POLARIN key research challenges: 6
Contact: Repository manager: Sarti, Fabio: fabio.sarti[at]uit.no
Tromsø, Norway
For details of instrumentation see here: https://en.uit.no/infrastruktur/enhet?p_document_id=675771
Services offered
Core curation, sampling, and multi-proxy analyses of sediment cores. For details see here:
What is included in the Access
Access to cores for visiting scientists. Support for measurements, sub-sampling, and analyses of discrete samples, if necessary. PI and repository manager will follow up and include/involve other personnel if necessary. The typical duration of work is to be decided individually, depending on the requests from scientists.
Integration into the scheduling of the infrastructure will be decided individually and in close dialogue with the involved scientist to ensure smooth operation for all involved parts.
Unit of access: Sampling day
Modalities of access offered: In-person access, remote access
Availability for access in the TA call 2024
1.04.2025 -30.4.2026.
Time frame for access preparations
Depending on number of samples requested and availability.
Applicants must contact Fabio Sarti to discuss the availability of samples (fabio.sarti@uit.no).
Permits, licenses and training
Medical guidelines