Wasa Station, SE

Wasa Station, SE

The Wasa Research Station is a Swedish research facility in Antarctica, established in 1988/1989. It is situated next to the Finnish Aboa Research Station on the Basen nunatak in the Kraul Mountains in Queen Maud Land. The two stations cooperate, and are jointly referred to as the Nordenskiöld Base Camp.

WASA is a summer station in Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, that Research includes paleoclimatology, glaciology, cryosphere studies, bedrock geology, meteorology, atmospheric physics, and biology. An automatic weather station is operated at Fossulryggen.

Contribution to POLARIN key research challenges: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6.

Contact: Håkan Grudd, hakan.grudd[at]polar.se
Margareta Johansson, margareta.johansson[at]polar.se

Website address: https://www.polar.se/en/research-support/research-stations-in-antarctica/

https://polardex.org/ –Wasa


Wasa accommodates up to 20 people. Tracked vehicles and snowmobiles are available at the station. Deep field parties are possible. The station was designed to be extremely energy efficient, with energy supplied mainly by solar and wind power. Scientists have access to a working module and an observation module, both of which contain office workstations and rest facilities. Customised support is available and each season can be uniquely tailored to current research projects. Wasa also provides access to functional workstations for analysis and basic mechanical tasks such as service, repair or adaptation of instruments.

The main building is 17.5×7.6 m, made of wood, and rests on 1.5 m high poles in order to avoid the accumulation of snow. The station house consists of four bedrooms, a large kitchen, and a common room. There is also a sauna, shower, and laundry room. The station accommodates 12–16 people.

Near the main building is the 7.5×6 m generator house, which contains generators, the water supply system, and a workshop. Twenty-foot containers are used for storage.

Services offered 

WASA is offering Remote Access only.

Sampling or measurements will be performed by technicians of the station.

What is included in the Access

Unit of access: Sampling day

Modalities of access offered: Remote Access

The services include the work carried out by technicians of the station. The typical duration of work is up to one week. The work will be integrated into the yearly Swedish expedition to WASA.

Availability for access in the 2024 call
Wasa offers only Remote Access: 15 December 2025 – 31 January 2026.

Time frame for access preparations

15th August

Permits, licenses and training


Medical guidelines


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