Western Arctic Research Centre, CA

Western Arctic Research Centre, CA
The Western Arctic Research Centre (WARC) is operated by the Aurora Research Institute and Aurora College. The station is owned by the Government of the Northwest Territories (NWT).
The research undertaken at WARC is wide ranging, and includes archaeology, permafrost, limnology, oceanography, geology, spatial information sciences, botany, renewable energy (solar and wind), atmospheric sciences, wildlife, fisheries, and marine mammal health.
Contribution to POLARIN key research challenges: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Contact: Station manager Joel McAllister, JmcAlister[at]auroracollege.nt.ca
WARC is located in the town of Inuvik, Northwest Territories, in the western Canadian Arctic. WARC provides logistical support for research projects taking place throughout the northern NWT (including the archipelago) and along the northern Yukon coast. There are many protected areas in the vicinity of WARC, including bird sanctuaries, national parks, and territorial parks.
WARC contains a conference room, classroom, three laboratories, a research library, a staging area/loading bay, a workshop, and office space for 15 people. Accommodations are a 10-minute walk from WARC in a residential neighborhood and include four houses each containing six beds, living space, a kitchen, a full bathroom, and laundry facilities. Some extra accommodations are available in the Aurora College dorms during the summer season. WARC can support between 24 and 34 people for accommodation, and up to 75 in the main facility, at any given time.
Services offered
WARC has three state-of-the-art laboratories, cold and warm storage, a workshop, and a wide variety of field equipment. Additionally, WARC has two research technicians that are fully trained in a wide variety of scientific equipment, including the operation of unmanned aerial systems.
What is included in the Access
Unit of access: User/day
Modalities of Access: in-person access
Users will be provided with accommodation, laboratory space, laboratory equipment, field equipment, and technician support. The typical duration of work is around 8 days. Users submit a Logistical Support Request indicating what type of support they require and when. WARC integrates them into the schedule. Users will have full access to the infrastructure they requested.
Availability for access in the 2024 call
The availability for access in the 2024 call is 1st April 2025 – 30th April 2026.
Time frame for access preparations
Logistical support is provided on a first come first serve basis. After access is granted, the station recommends submitting a Logistical Support Request form as soon as possible (at least 2 months before the fieldwork commences). The users should consult the station contact for the required access preparations.
Permits, licenses and training
Research that does not fall under the Wildlife or Archaeologist legislation requires a Scientific Research License in the NWT. The licensing process is administered by the Scientific Services Office at the GNWT ‘s Department of Education Culture and Employment. Applications for Scientific Research Licenses can be submitted through an online system. Additional permitting may be required, depending on where and what you are planning to study. GNWT’s “Doing Research in the Northwest Territories: A Guide for Researchers” can be found here.
Researchers must receive an orientation from a technician before using laboratory equipment. In order to access snowmobiles, outboard motors, and boat/motor sets, the users must have a valid operator’s license. Evidence of completion of a snowmobile safety course, or a Pleasure Craft Operator’s Card must be presented at the front desk before the equipment can be signed out. In order to rent, handle or store firearms at WARC, users must have a valid Possession and Acquisition License. This must be presented at the front desk before firearms will be signed out.
Medical guidelines
No medical examinations/health checks are required from the users.